Cave aux Bulles (Bubble Cellar) – Joelle Aeschlimann, Pauline Saglio and Mathieu Rivier

Another beautiful interactive by the students at ECAL. I love the playfulness and the simplicity of the idea. Blowing bubbles is a simple pleasure. It brings us back to being a child again. The animations are also playful in that they are not always just bubbles and you have that child like imagination from the shadows. I wish I had come up with this idea. As I watch my daughter popping bubbles with the excitement and pleasure she gets from the process, it makes perfect sense that as adults we would get that same pleasure too. Childhood memories. The environment is an interesting choice. I’m not sure if it is a practicality, so that the light and shadows can show or whether being somewhere so cold and dark would enhance/heighten the expectations or the user. Like a horror film but in complete contrast.

Aeschlimann, J. et al. (2013) Cave aux Bulles, [Online Video] 9th August Available from: [Accessed 23rd October 2015]

Cave aux Bulles (Bubbles’ Cellar) from Guévaux 2013 on Vimeo.


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